
Library Administration

Robert Antill
Executive Director
843-563-9189 ext. 4008

Leslie Koller
Summerville Branch Manager
843-871-5075 ext. 4115

Jami Gahagan
Systems Administrator & IT Manager
843-563-9189 ext. 4007

Jules Fitch
Marketing & Communications Manager
843-563-9189 ext. 4013

Mia Jordan
North Charleston Branch Manager
843-871-5075 ext. 4307

Cassandra Manigault
Office Manager
843-563-9189 ext. 4009

Alvar Astigarraga
Ashley River Branch Manager
843-871-5075 Ext. 4231

Robin Kurz
St. George Branch Manager
843-871-5075 Ext. 4012

Christine Richards
Outreach Coordinator

                                                    Michaela Wiesner
                                                    Head Technical Services Librarian
                                                    843-871-5075 Ext. 4018

Dorchester County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Library Board Members

Ms. Keturah Inabinett
District 1
Ms. Meredith Rutland
District 2
Dr. Michelle Sweatman
District 3
Ms. Alexis Scipio
District 4
Dr. Michelle Leviner
District 5
Ms. Beth S. Sabine
District 6
Mr. Bill Collins
District 7

Library Board Meeting Calendar

Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Summerville Branch 4:00pm
Monday, March 17, 2025
St. George Branch 7:00pm
Monday, May 19, 2025
North Charleston Branch 7:00pm
Monday, July 21, 2025
Ashley River Branch 7:00pm
Monday, September 15, 2025
St. George Branch 7:00pm
Monday, November 17, 2025
North Charleston Branch 7:00pm

Library Board Meeting Minutes


Meeting Room Policy. Availability of study/meeting rooms varies by location. Reservations must be made at the location you are requesting.

  1. Applications:
    1. Room reservations must be made using the Dorchester County Library Meeting Room Agreement Form.
    2. A tentative reservation securing the room for 48 hours is available by phone, email, or in person. If the actual signed application is not received within the 48-hour time limit, the tentative reservation will be cancelled, and the room will be considered open for other applicants.
      NOTE: Use of the Library’s meeting rooms does not constitute Library approval of viewpoints expressed by participants in the program. Advertisements or announcements implying such endorsement are not permitted.
  2. Guidelines:
    1. The meeting rooms in all Dorchester County Library facilities are primarily for the use of the Library System for programs that promote or provide library services.
    2. When a meeting room is not in use by the Library, the meeting rooms are available on a first come, first served basis to groups and organizations as specified herein. Reservations are made by completing an application, which must be approved by the Branch Manager.
    3. Library meeting rooms are available at times and locations that do not conflict with daily operations of the Library.
    4. Standing reservations for monthly meetings may be scheduled for a three-month time period. Applicants may reapply at the end of the three-month time period.
    5. All approved meetings are open to the public (to include the media).
    6. No admission is charged for those attending the meetings.
    7. No sale of goods or services or the solicitation for future sales or services will be permitted without prior Library Administration approval. (“Solicitation” is any act or attempt to advertise, market, or sell any product or service or to seek membership in any organization, or to obtain a donation/contribution. Public property, such as Dorchester County Library facilities is held in trust for the public. It is to be used for public and governmental purposes and governmental property is not to be used for private gain.)
    8. Acceptable usage of the Library’s meeting rooms includes:
      1. Library sponsored activities and programs
      2. Government agencies and non-profit groups (IRS 501c3)
      3. Educational programming or community service groups
    9. Library public meeting rooms are not available for the following uses:
      1. Political campaign purposes (non-partisan political forums are permitted)
      2. Any unlawful purpose not consistent with local, state, or federal law
      3. Activities that disturb regular library functions
      4. Press conferences
      5. Individual or private parties or social gatherings
    10. The following restrictions are applicable:
      1. Per local fire regulation, attendees may not exceed the posted occupancy load for the meeting rooms.
      2. Facility users are responsible for checking for posted fire exits and evacuation procedures.
      3. The applicant is responsible for managing orderly behavior of all attendees. The Library may require the applicant to provide adequate security services. Adult supervision is required for any group of minors. Misconduct by participants or misrepresentation on the application may result in rejection of an organization’s future applications (in the event of severe misconduct, the library staff may immediately terminate the event/meeting and clear the premises).
      4. The Library reserves the right to override a reservation in order to reserve the meeting room for Library sponsored events.
      5. The Library reserves the right to cancel a reservation in the case of an emergency closing.
      6. Meetings will not be scheduled before or after Library hours without Library Administration approval. Group representatives may not enter library buildings, nor will deliveries be accepted, before the regular opening time.
    11. The name, address, and phone number of the Library may not be used as the official contact information or headquarters location of any outside organization.
    12. Library facility phone numbers will not be used as contact phone numbers for scheduled meetings/events.
    13. Library Administration must approve any signage, decorations, or literature to be displayed in the room for compliance with this policy. No signage may be affixed to the walls, woodwork, ceiling, or furniture. Decorating is permitted, but certain types of decorations are prohibited. Restrictions include, but are not limited to:
      1. Confetti
      2. No open flame of any kind
      3. Decorations incorporating metallic glitter
      4. Nails, thumbtacks, or staples on any room surface except bulletin boards
      5. Tape on walls, ceilings, and woodwork
    14. Audiovisual equipment and computer equipment is available for public use. Users will be held responsible for any repairs or replacement costs for damaged or destroyed equipment. Available equipment varies from one location to another and will not be transferred from one location to another. See application for available equipment. Library staff does not provide technical assistance for equipment not supplied by the library.
    15. Before entering the meeting room, the applicant must sign in at the Circulation Desk to gain access to the room, furniture, and all equipment requested.
    16. The applicant and/or organization using the meeting rooms agrees to assume full liability for any losses or damage beyond reasonable wear that may occur to the building or meeting room. The sponsoring organization will also be responsible for setting up, cleaning up, and returning the furniture to the original arrangement or location. Due to lack of security and space constraints, the Library is unable to store equipment or supplies and cannot assume responsibility for any materials left on the premises. All decorations and displays must be removed by the organization at the conclusion of the meeting/event, unless other arrangements have been made with Library Administration.
    17. The meeting room must be cleaned, inspected by a library staff member, and vacated 15 minutes before the Library’s closing time. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in forfeiture of future use of a meeting room.
    18. The Library is not responsible for any items left on library premises.
    19. Insurance coverage is not provided for any events/meetings held on library premises.
    20. Light refreshments or beverages may be served in public use meeting rooms. No alcoholic beverages are allowed. No kitchen facilities are available. All Dorchester County Library System facilities are non-smoking. No firearms or weapons of any type are permitted on the premises.
    21. The Library Director shall have final authority regarding use of library meeting rooms and/or cancellation or discontinuance of meeting room reservations.

Dorchester County Library welcomes suggestions for purchase; however, due to the volume of suggestions received, we do not place a hold or contact you to inform you of our purchase decision. If we choose to buy the title, it will appear in the catalog for you to place a hold.

Please adhere to the following guidelines when making a suggestion:

  • Please check the SCLENDS Catalog before submitting your suggestion.
  • Please avoid suggesting any titles not yet published (including popular books, movies, or music).
  • Older and out-of-print titles are not considered for purchase.
Intended Audience(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

“America’s libraries are essential to the continued growth of our nation and they constitute a basic building block of our country. A literate society is needed for a civilized nation. The library is part of the social fabric of a community. Supporting the library strengthens the entire infrastructure of a town or city. Friends of the Library is the facilitating mechanism that can reach the smallest hamlet and the largest city.” –Jack Short

Who are the Friends of the Library?

The Friends of the Library groups are nonprofit organizations dedicated to preserving and strengthening the Libraries. They enrich the library in a number of ways.

  • Friends promote public awareness and appreciation of the Library.
  • They sponsor special events, programs, and book sales throughout the year.
  • They enhance the Library by donating important items or by funding programs that are not in the Library’s budget.
Friends of the Dorchester County Public Libraries

The Friends of Dorchester County Public Libraries are a nonprofit organization comprised entirely of volunteers who are engaged in a wide variety of services and programs. Visit The Friends of Dorchester County Public Libraries website for more information.


We are a non-profit organization with the mission of acting as a bridge to the community by:

A. Increasing public awareness of, focusing attention on, and expanding the use of the library as a major resource for an informed community;
B. Initiating, organizing, promoting, and encouraging cultural and educational activities;
C. Stimulating gifts and endowments for the library as well as fundraising in support of library and Friends activities, and;
D. Working with the Library Board of Trustees, the Library Director, and the Library Manager in a spirit of mutual cooperation.

The Friends of the Dorchester County Public Libraries bylaws are updated biannually and available for review by members.

How to Join:
The Friends of the Dorchester County Public Libraries receive e-mails advising of book sales and are invited to attend the four General Meetings which are open to all members in January, April, June, and October on the second Tuesday of the month and currently held at The Summerville Library. The June meeting is an annual recap of accomplishments over the past 12 months. By joining the Friends, you will get previews of what is happening in The Friends and be able to show your support. To join the Friends, please visit our Membership page or complete a membership form which is available at all 4 library locations in the county.

Executive Officers:
Beverly Brockman, President
Pattie Anderson, VP-Membership
Vacant, Secretary
Alice Stamps, Treasurer
Ellen Hyatt, Member-At-Large
Wendy Nolan, Member-At-Large/Hospitality
Ivy McIntyre-Book Sale Committee Chair

The Friends of DCPL are engaged in a variety of services and programs, including General Meetings held four times a year as stated above. The Friends of DCPL hold an annual meeting in June for all members to review the past year’s accomplishments and activities.

Monthly Board Meetings-The Friends of DCPL conduct monthly meetings in January-November on the fourth Tuesday of the month with the board members to manage the business of the organization.

The Friends of DCPL review financial requests from all libraries and support reading programs and the chess program and other programs that promote educational objectives.

Used Book Sales-The Friends of DCPL currently hold several one day book sales in the spring and in the fall with one large 3 day sale at the end of JULY annually. Funds raised by these sales are used for special needs of the libraries and to support various services offered by The Friends of DCPL for the benefit of the library.

Book Clubs—The Friends of DCPL support book clubs by providing funds for all libraries in the county. Visit the Dorchester County Library website for more information on book clubs.

Upcoming Events:
Please visit The Friends of Dorchester County Public Libraries website to see a complete list of upcoming events. (http://thefriendsofdcpl.weebly.com)

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